
All Your Lunch & Learns in 1 place

Easily book AIA Accredited L&L Presentations from top vendors in a single, fully automated and easy to use platform.  All for FREE!

1. Select City & Topic

Select the city where your Lunch & Learn will be held and choose the topic you are interested in.

2. Schedule

Choose the Date and Time of your presentation and provide us with a few details about your firm.

3. Provide Attendees

Provide a list of attendees with our cloud-based, Attendee Sheet.

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AIA Accredited

All LunchBox Lunch & Learn sessions are AIA accredited, offering either LU or HSW credits, with detailed credit information provided for each presentation.

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In Person & Virtual

All of our L&L's can be offered In-Person and/or Virtually depending on your preference.

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Once attendance is confirmed, AIA certificates will be provided to all attendees by the vendor.

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Easy Scheduling

Simple online scheduling with automated confirmations and reminders prior to the presentation.

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Lunch Provided

The attendee sheet will be used to place your lunch order with one of our restaurant partners and have it delivered directly to your office.

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Attendee Tracking

We provide a cloud-based, Attendee Sheet to make it easy to sign up for the L&L, ensure an accurate lunch order and get your Certificates.

Become a Vendor

Feature Your Lunch & Learns on Lunchbox

Ready to take you Lunch & Learn program to new heights? Discover all the benefits to hosting your L&Ls on LunchBox.

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